Allie Boram
Tea Infuser
When researching the slow food movement, I found this quote, “Slow Food is an idea, a way of living and a way of eating. It is a global, grassroots movement with thousands of members around the world that links the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment” ( When thinking about the slow food movement, I think natural, clean, taking your time, slowing down your everyday. When I think of colors, I think blue, green, brown, grey, tan. A problem that I am trying to solve is the elimination of fast food and all of the terrible things that go into making fast food. My intention is to make the person using the tea infuser slow down, and actually take the time to notice the tea infuser and the tea they are making. Through this tea infuser I am trying to convey a sense of the earth’s natural beauty and how to embrace it. An object can make someone slow down by having them take more time than usual to do something. If you have to use both hands to take the tea infuser from off of the top of your cup before you drink, you are taking more time. If the tea infuser is so beautiful and creative that you take more time to look at it, you are taking more time. If you have to look at it for awhile to be able to decipher what it is and then it is something really neat, you are taking more time. This last example can control the viewers eye. This can be an advantage because not only are you controlling the viewers eye, but you are controlling it to take more time and slow down to look at the piece. Materials that are relevant to my piece would be anything of a natural color. Possibly rocks, a tree shape, metal. In my piece, I will be taking a stand against fast food and for natural foods. The Slow Food
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